▢2 slices brioche bread
▢2 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
▢1 graham cracker sheet, finely crushed (approximately ⅛ cup)
▢½ cup (25 g) mini marshmallows
▢¼ cup (42 g) milk chocolate chips
Spread 1 tablespoon butter on one side of a slice of bread.
Add the crushed graham cracker to a deep plate.
Dip the buttered side of the bread into the plate of crushed graham cracker.
In a pan over medium-low heat, add bread (butter side down). Top with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips.
Add the remaining butter to the second slice of bread, dip into the crushed graham cracker, and place that on top of the chocolate chips and marshmallows, butter side up.
Cook over medium-low heat for 3-4 minutes; then, flip over the sandwich and cook another 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown.
Serve warm.